Pakistan BioMedical Journal (PBMJ)
Pakistan BioMedical Journal (PBMJ) is an Official Journal of “Rotogen Biotech (Pvt) Ltd” and is being funded and supported by Rotogen Biotech (Pvt) Ltd. Pakistan Biomedical Journal (PBMJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal that publishes in all fields of health, allied health and biomedical sciences for an internationally diverse authorship. Clinical studies, clinical trials, population studies, public health, discovery medicine, study of microbes, molecular and cellular biology, basic mechanisms of biology, genetics, cancer biology, molecular medicine, pharmacology, virology, chemical biology, immunobiology, chemical biology, physiological and pathological studies are within the scope of journal.A highly-cited, multi-disciplinary, international editorial board assures timely publication of manuscripts. Reviews on latest advancements in biomedical sciences
DIET FACTOR (Journal of Nutritional & Food Science )
DIET FACTOR (Journal of Nutritional & Food Science ) the official of Rotogen Biotech (Pvt) Ltd is an international, double blind peer-reviewed journal offering accessible and comprehensive coverage of food, beverage and nutrition research. DIET FACTOR (DF) offers scientists, and the food professionals the prospect to share scientific encroachments in the myriad of disciplines affecting their work, to help advance the science of food and food innovation across the globe. The aim of the DIET FACTOR (DF) is to offer scientists and researchers an international forum to enables the rapid dissemination of practical and social applications of research at the forefront of food and nutritional sciences as well as interdisciplinary research that spans these two fields. The publishes double blind peer-reviewed articles that cover all aspects of food science, including the interface between production agriculture and food, as well as how food science influences health and nutrition. In all cases, the key findings in multidisciplinary articles must address some innovative or controversial practices and points of view of the science of food.

Futuristic Biotechnology (FBT)
Futuristic Biotechnology (FBT) publishes broad-spectrum publications with close connection to experimental activity in Biological and Biotechnology fields. FBT is intended for exploring the molecular mechanisms that support key biological processes in the fields of biochemistry, cellular biosciences, molecular biology, plant biotechnology, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and bioinformatics. Furthermore, it also covers topics related to immunology, antibody production, protein purification studies, primer synthesis, DNA sequencing, production of transgenic animal models, insect resistant crop varieties and edible and ornamental plant varieties.